Monday, February 10, 2014

Cultivate the Art of Romance and Celebrate this Valentine's Day "La Dolce Vita" Style

Cultivate the art of romance and celebrate this Valentine’s Day - La dolce vita style
The key to romance and seduction is to create extraordinary moments out of ordinary things. Some of the most meaningful ideas come from simplicity and the heart. Here are a few:
1. Make a home-made card. Decorate it with your love, pictures, secrets between you and your lover and reasons why you love them.
2. Instead of giving ubiquitous roses, why not pick wild flowers and wrap them in newspaper or tie with twine for a vintage, romantic look.
3. Create an intimate memento and put your picture (or one of you together) or romantic expression on your lover’s favorite coffee cup, t-shirt, key chain, beer mug, etc…
4. Craft an “act of kindness” coupon and gift your lover an hour massage or offer to do the food shopping for that week or wash their car, walk the dog, etc.. Be specific and include an expiration date.
5. Name a S T A R after him / her (
6. Plan a night of sensuality with a warm bath, scented candles (sandalwood stirs the nether regions), Massive Attack’s “Protection” or Kid Loco’s “A Grand Love Theme” playing in the background and a new move between the sheets.
7. Prepare a wine tasting for two with four or five Italian wines; include an antipasto with Pecorino Romano cheese, Castelvetrano olives, Soppressata and warm bread drizzled with evoo. Buon Appetito
8. Room Service! Spend the night at a swanky boutique hotel and order the full dinner service complete with waiter, white tablecloth, decadent dinner covers and both of you in your birthday suit.
9. Write a poem and have it translated to one of the romance languages. Everything sounds better in Italian…Si, Si amore mio.
10. On a budget? Spring for Prosecco instead of champagne. It’s just as delicious and elegant. Or bring your lover a plant that symbolizes your relationship; nurture it and watch it grow with time and love.

Be Seen in '14 !

Eight Things You Can Do to Improve Your Dating Life Now
Smile and say hello. Does anyone ever approach you? We’re already a super-disconnected society thanks to our hyper-connected world. Look up. Stop typing. Be open. Connect with your environment. Smile at people. If you see someone attractive, make eye contact, don’t look away. Smile at 10 strangers today and see how good you feel at the end of the day.
Get out of your comfort zone. If your daily schedule is work-gym-home with the occasional dinner or drinks out with friends, the likelihood of you meeting someone is l-o-w. Add variety to your routine. Join a wine tasting group, take a photography class, volunteer, walk the dog at a new park, say YES to all invitations. Doing something different will yield different results.
Don’t be so attached to the outcome. First dates are far from perfection so get real with your expectations. Everyone wants to leave a date feeling like they just met The One but it doesn’t always happen right away. It’s like buying a lottery ticket. When you buy one, you don’t start thinking about how you’re going to spend the money; you forget about it and go about your day…until you hit the jackpot., of course.
Get over yourself. Friends are wonderful. Most of them blow sunshine where the sun don’t shine and tell us what a great catch we are. And we believe them because they rarely enlighten us about the things that we need to improve. Perhaps you have blind spots that nobody’s ever mentioned to you or your hairstyle is the same you’ve had for 20 years or you’re clueless when it comes to starting a conversation. Consider setting up a consultation with an expert in the field of image or dating . Sometimes just a tiny shift in perspective and approach is all you need to attract what you’re looking for.
Stop the negativity. Some people make it a sport to find things wrong with their date and then deliciously commiserate with their friends .They expect to find something negative so they unconsciously look for it. Good fodder for friends, but sad cycle for you. Look for the good in people. As Walt Whitman said, “Be curious, not judgmental”.
Get a life. Find and cultivate your passion! If your job is the main attraction in your life, something’s wrong. How would you answer the question: “What do you do for FUN?” (Not relaxation). Working out at the gym doesn’t count. People are attracted to passionate people. Do something that adds value to who you are and what you bring to a relationship.
Stay connected. Too many people bring their cerebral self to the dating scene. Falling in love is not an intellectual decision, so stop staying in your head and come out and play and be in the moment. It’s where the real stuff happens. Vow to be present on your next date. See the other person with your heart. We’re all in this together.
Be comfortable with yourself. If you haven’t learned how to enjoy your own company, how is anyone else supposed to? It all begins with you.

'Tis the Season to Fly Solo ... and Stay Grounded.

There’s a reason why high season in matchmaking starts in September. People anticipate the pending holidays and nobody wants to go through it alone. The stress, expectations, frenetic pace, obligations, retail ruckus…OY! Of course spending the holidays with the one we love is simply delicious but I often wonder if people try too hard to create magic with the wrong person or Mr./ Ms. Right Now. It is a very vulnerable time of year for a lot of people that can foster social anxiety, family dysfunction, excessiveness and bad behavior. It’s also a very beautiful time when traditions and loved ones gather ‘round to make more sweet memories.

At times I have observed a subtle frenzy from our clients who will do anything to find someone with whom to go through the holidays. Herein lies the challenge. It’s already a heady time when people first start dating. There are questions, high emotions, sometimes misunderstandings when two people who barely know each other try to explore their potential connection. Add cryptic text messages, holiday parties, tight schedules, pre-made travel plans and mix in a dollop of imbalanced expectations and you have a recipe for miscommunication. Then there’s the pressure of integrating the new guy /girl you’re dating with your family and friends. Too much. Too soon.

Instead, if you’re going to be alone for the holidays, why not consider the following:
Find others who are alone and invite them to share your own table. A lot of people are in the same boat. Create your own memories and traditions with them. Ask everyone to share something they typically eat on the holidays so that everyone can be enjoying and sharing a piece of their own tradition.
Nurture yourself. If being around people and noise is not your thing, stay quiet with yourself. Treat yourself beautifully. Cook a lovely dinner. Go for a manicure or massage, play your favorite music, catch up on a beloved hobby. Treat yourself the way you would treat a good friend or family member.
Volunteer to serve a meal at a shelter or soup kitchen. Make a difference and touch others with your good will. There is very little else that will make you feel so good.
Plan ahead. If it looks like you're going to be spending the time on your own, let your friends know. People get so absorbed and stressed this time of year but if your friends know you will be alone and they’ll be in town, I would be surprised if you didn’t receive invitations from all of them. If you’re not up for joining in someone else’s festivities, leave town. Traveling is the best way to get out of your head and your own way; if you seek adventure, you will find it.
Be grateful. Keep a positive attitude about all you do have and focus less on what you don’t. There are loads of people who have it worse than you. Make a list and check it frequently.
Finally, if you are in a proactive mood, call us for a free consultation. We’ll do everything we can to get you on the right track for next year.

Happy Holidays and Expect good things!!!