Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The #1 Quality a Woman Should Have in Dating

 The #1 Quality a Woman Should Have in Dating (and in Life)

I was recently having tea with my gorgeous new Dutch friend.

She’s tall, elegant, single and new to Los Angeles. She’s definitely a woman who’s comfortable in her own skin.

When she walks, she glides. I asked about her dating life. She giggled about her ‘exploratory phase’ since she’s recently single. Then she shared something interesting: “American men and women keep commenting on how graceful I am. Don’t American women have grace?” she asked innocently. Hmm….I began to contemplate.
Today ‘living out loud’ is not only acceptable, it’s expected. People post the most inappropriate things these days. Technology does not breed sophistication. There’s nothing elegant about seeing or hearing about every sordid detail in someone’s life. Discretion has been replaced with Kardashian moments. And nobody’s batting a lash.
My friend’s question made me reflect on a time when etiquette and elegance is what defined a woman. I’ve often said that my time spent living in Italy turned me into a woman. When I moved there, I was in my late 20’s – big mouthed, challenging and feisty – I was ready to tackle my new world with verve. Then I learned a few lessons like ‘less is more’. Just because somebody asked me a question didn’t mean I needed to tell them everything. I learned that restraint is powerful, especially in how you express yourself. It was less about what I said and more about how I said it. (Exclaiming “Oh my God!” and “No Way!” does not need to distort one’s entire face). And saying exactly what was on my mind was often unwelcome. People say that want to hear the truth; few rarely do.
Ladies, if you’re looking for a confident, charming, masculine, successful, kind gentleman, you need to consider this. That type of man has many options and more often than not, he is looking for a woman who is feminine, graceful, attractive and kind.

Here’s what turns him off:

1. Loud and boisterous women. He can enjoy them as friends but not as ‘his woman’.
2. Aggressive women; the more masculine he is, the more femininity he seeks in his partner.
3. CEO-types who are challenging and career-centric; he wants a woman, not a suit. These women lead with their strength and intellect and forget to bring their softness and playfulness to the table.
4. Vulgarity; save your dirty jokes / gestures for your girlfriends or guy friends.
5. Critical women. If you’re gossipy, sarcastic, negative or even slightly bitter, you will always finish last with these kind of men.
6. Horsey-ness. Are your movements big and jerky? Do you practice good posture?

Being graceful is being kind and lovely even if your date is not the man of your dreams.

It means always thanking the gentleman who took you out.
The graceful woman looks for the best in people and always gives the benefit of the doubt.
She invests in good people (and good shoes).
She talks about positive things.
She does not use words like ‘I hate….” Or “I’d never…”
She doesn’t talk too much or over share.
She has poise. She’s hardly ever in a rush.
She’s smart but doesn’t feel the need prove herself.
Placing value on charm and elegance will set you apart from other women.

If you’re looking for the ‘George Clooney of Gentlemen’, you should definitely consider whom he chose to marry.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Three ways to stop over-analyzing on your dates

 )Three ways to stop overanalyzing on your dates.

As a matchmaker, I can easily say that over-analytical behavior is hands down the number one crime in dating. There’s no place for cerebral decision-making in matters of the heart.

While it’s normal to process a ton of information when we first meet someone – how they look, move, express themselves verbally and non-verbally – getting trapped in over-analytical mode will damage your chances of finding love.

People who do this are not focusing on what is really being said, rather they focus on what they think is behind the words. When you do that, you are not actually (actively) listening. The danger is that you sometimes come up with your own version of things instead of what actually occurred in the conversation.
Those who over think things fail to be in the moment; they’re constantly thinking about what they’re going to say next instead of enjoying what’s happening in front of them. Or they’re analyzing what someone just said instead of taking it at face value. Others are not great at small talk so they’re stuck in their heads grasping at topics to bring up instead of hearing what’s being said right now. No wonder dating has become so stressful!

Here are three ways to stop overanalyzing on your dates.

1. Read between the lines just don’t let it dominate a conversation. There are plenty of people who have been burned in dating and approach it with a “guilty until proven innocent” mantra. They’ve trained themselves to look for the bad. While it’s normal and smart to use our instincts when we first meet someone, we don’t need to constantly second guess what someone is saying. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Listen less to what people say and watch more what they actually do. That will always reveal their true nature.
2. Be prepared with topics ahead of time. For those who dislike small talk, prepare a few topics / questions that you’d like to talk about such as current events, a controversial topic, something interesting you’d like for your date to know about you or a unique question. The key is to fill your pockets with possibilities so you can pull one out easily instead of hide in your head and miss the whole nuance of a conversation.
3. Stop psychoanalyzing people. It’s so disheartening when we hear this kind of feedback from our clients: “He said his mother was a challenge so he must not have the tools to have a healthy relationship with women” or “She said she wants a family but I’m not ready to jump into a relationship and have kids right away”. Why are people jumping to conclusions and sabotaging potential relationships? Who are you to judge and close the door on a potential relationship based on something someone you barely know said? On a first date? Stop making assumptions. It’s not only unfair, it’s narrow-minded and a sure fire way to stay single.
People will show you who they are. Just give it time…
Cristina Morara

Getting Past "Hello"

First Date Rule #1: Looks Matter

 First Date Rule #1: Looks Matter

There’s no other time when looks matter more than when you’re single.

Keeping fit and making an effort in your appearance says you care about yourself and how you come across. That’s attractive.

Being “attractive” means being ‘appealing, inviting, tempting, sexually alluring’.
How attractive are you these days………?
Gentlemen, how you dress on a first date matters. Most likely, your date has blown out her hair, bought a cute dress, done her nails and then some.
So please iron your shirt, trim your a**neck and don’t wear open-toed sandals, flip flops or tevas. Ever. Don’t be lazy. Even though “it’s LA” or you live on the Westside, you’re not too cool to purposefully look like you made an effort to look good. Having a clear sense of style is hot and will differentiate you from the masses who think Lululemon or Birkenstocks are fashion statements.

Ladies, try to wear something that shows you’re female.

Men enjoy looking at women because we remind them of everything they’re not. Anything too corporate or “crunchy” gives the opposite effect.
Here’s what we’ve heard from some of our clients: “it looked like she was wearing a sack” or “She looked like a busy mom who just threw on lipstick” or “he looked way too casual for a first date” or “it looked like he literally rolled out of bed”.  Some of you may be thinking “I don’t care, this is who I am; take it or leave it” That’s fine if you’re okay being single for awhile.

If you won’t go the extra mile to make a good first impression for your potential future mate, when will you?

I’m willing to bet you make sure you look good for the important presentation at work or when you’re going out with clients.
Meeting the person with whom you’ll possibly spend the rest of your life is hands down even more important. Sure, we know that people get tired and jaded after too many unfruitful first dates, but that should never turn into apathy.

If you’re giving half-a**, you’re going to get half-a**.

We firmly believe there’s someone for everyone BUT the more you’re holding onto those extra pounds, your 20yr old hair style, your parachute pants or “this is who I am; deal with it” attitude, the smaller pool of candidates you will get to choose from. Everybody is special and deserves to be loved and adored. You must give someone a reason to explore your specialness. Like it or not, your presentation is the first step in enticing someone to discover you further.
Cristina Morara

Top 10 Ways Women Fail With Men in Dating

Top 10 Ways Women Fail with Men (in no particular order)

1. Being too Needy.

It’s a surefire way to turn off a man in the early stages of a relationship. Women need to let men lead. That means he does all the pursuing, calling and planning in the beginning. Enjoy the delicate dance of being seduced and pursued. If he likes you, he will call you.

2. Always saying Yes.
Ladies seem to forget that they had a life before “He” came into it. Maintain your social life and go out with your friends once in awhile. It’s attractive for a man to see that the woman he’s interested in has a life. (In fact, that quality tends to be a prerequisite for a lot of men). It's too much pressure for a man to fee like he's responsible for your livelihood.
3. Being too guarded or neutral on a first date.
If a man has to use a million techniques to get a woman to open up on a first date, he will not ask for a second one. Men are much more inclined to ask a woman out again if she's given him signals that she's interested in him throughout the date. Being too neutral has almost the same effect as being disinterested.
4. Jumping the Gun. Women tend to create a beautiful scenario in their minds before a man even decides if he wants to have another drink with them. It’s important to show him that you like and appreciate him in subtle, feminine ways. Just don't put the cart before the horse and start planning too far in advance. Spend the early stages of the relationship learning about and enjoying one another before you plan to integrate him into other aspects of your life.
5. Just Being Nice.
How many times have you heard your female friends describe her date as a “really nice guy … but” We all know that’s the kiss of death. Only being nice doesn’t get you too far. So don’t just be nice, be other things, too. (Read: Confident, Feminine, Fun, Funny etc..) . You can communicate other aspects of your personality while behaving nicely. What’s your secret weapon?
6. Giving away all of your power.
Some women try to get men to like them by doing whatever the man wants. Men are never attracted to women who they can walk all over. It may be cool to 'get their way' at first but after awhile, it gets boring, they lose respect and usually take advantage of a woman’s desire to please. Don’t ever give away your personal power. It’s yours to keep and protect. You can be agreeable and flexible in a relationship, but you need to have a backbone or else he will take advantage of you eventually.
7. Going to bed too soon.
The type of women men want to settle down with are mostly women who are very selective about being intimate. Give the relationship time to grow; allow him to become emotionally invested in you first ; it will strengthen your bond when you do finally make love. Plus, it’s a lot easier for a woman to walk away from a relationship and move on when she hasn’t been intimate with a man.
8. Looking for Personal Happiness within a relationship.
The only person who can really make us happy is ourselves. Some women tend to look at their relationships as a place to feel complete, but that feeling cannot come from another person if it doesn’t begin with us first. Work on being secure with who you are before you get into a relationship. There is nothing more attractive than a woman who is comfortable with herself – she exudes grace and confidence – which is hugely attractive to a man.
9. Underestimating your Feminine Energy.
Men fall in love with their eyes. They’re attracted to the sway of our hips, the bow of our lips, the small of our back, the scent of our perfume, the softness of our hands, the curve of our calves, etc..The more sensual a woman feels, the more she emits sexiness. So…take a long, hot bath before a date to get in touch with your body, play a favorite song that makes you feel sexy and “own” your favorite body part. Being sexy is a state of mind.
10. Permitting unacceptable behavior early on.
Women have two sets of rules of acceptable conduct: one for their girlfriends and one for their man. Certain behavior that women would not tolerate from their girlfriends become acceptable for the man they’re dating. Like... not calling when they said they would, being chronically late or calling only when they want something. When women make excuses for a man’s lack of consideration, she gives him permission to disrespect her and take her for granted.

Cristina Morara

Why Certain Women Are Having A Hard Time Dating

Why Certain Women Are Having A Hard Time Dating

When it comes to matters of the heart, people are extremely judgmental when they first meet someone. Call it “thin slicing”, a gut reaction or unconscious behavior, but we make assumptions about others within seconds of meeting them.

As a matchmaker, I can assure you it’s the #1 reason a lot of people are still single.

Often what trips up a lot of women is when they make judgments before they’ve even met their date. Recently we were working with a female client who had a lot of ‘rules’. She had read many books on dating and was determined to implement the techniques that she believed would help her meet the right man. The problem was she allowed these rules to get in her way.

We introduced her to a gentleman and they hit it off on the first date. She was smitten; he was intrigued. He said he’d be in touch with her to ask her out again. Day 2, no call. She assumed the worst. She was offended and did not want to go out with him if he called her later on that day because she did not want to appear to be ‘waiting around for him’. She thought he was playing games. I had to remind her that this gentleman had a life before he met her and not to jump to conclusions. Perhaps it’s a really busy period at his work or something came up that he had to handle or he got sick, etc.. There are a whole slew of challenges that we face on a daily basis that are considered ‘acceptable’ when we know the person.
The gentleman did call her later on in the day and she thanked me profusely for “getting me out of my own way” and has been dating him for a few months now.
We’ve met a lot of women who think men are ‘guilty until proven innocent’ because they’ve been hurt in the past. Every man is different and deserves a chance. And if you’re not finding that is the case, then you better start looking at the choices you’re making.
Sometimes women assume that because a potential match had to reschedule or book a date far in advance that he must not be available for a relationship. Really?! You’ve never even met the person. Give someone the benefit of the doubt. We are leading busier lives these days. Please stop psychoanalyzing, commiserating with your girlfriends or imagining the worst. It’s a great way to sabotage potentially wonderful relationships and it makes you seem rigid and even a little bitter.
Early dating should be playful and lighthearted. Don’t take things so seriously so soon. Expecting perfection and people to be on your schedule and follow your rules will always lead to disappointment.

Be flexible, stay open, say YES and come from fun, not shun.

Friday, May 1, 2015

The WORST offense in Dating. For Men.

The Worst Offense in Dating

Recently I’ve received feedback from three female clients who all shared the same complaint about their first dates: he talked non-stop. All three ladies were annoyed and reluctant to give the respective gentleman a second date. One woman said “I was so bored and unnerved, I just wanted to leave”. The other was a little more amused: “He asked me ONE question the entire night!!!” The third was very disappointed because she liked him initially and interpreted his two hour monologue as a sign of his disinterest. 

Most men don’t know when they’re monopolizing a conversation. They could speak for 90% of the time and when I ask them about what they thought of their date, they’ll say “she was great; we had a wonderful time”. Of course you did. Some men are more focused on being interesting than being interested.

Creating rapport is about telling stories, asking background questions and revealing interesting aspects about your personality. The primary focus of this stage is to show the best side of you.
The point of rapport is simple: you’re trying to establish a connection. When you know she’s attracted, you don’t have to worry about impressing her anymore. Instead, you should focus on providing cool details about your life. For example, you could share a few travel stories, unique experiences, interesting jobs you’ve had or passions. Remember to ask “strategic questions” – ask her what you want her to know about you.

Reflect back and share your observation. This is where you need to use your listening and intuitive skills. You’re not stating the obvious, you’re offering up your thoughts. Women will tell you all about themselves if you really listen. By paying attention and then offering your sincere observations, you’re showing her that you care about what she’s saying. There’s nothing that attracts a woman more than being heard and understood.

Challenge her a little. Women like to be challenged because they like men to feel impressed. This is a way to tease a woman and yet get her to know that you are a confident man which women love.

Be a Magnet. Purposefully persuade her to give you her number so you don’t have to ask for it. During conversation when you discover commonalities, be a little slick. If you both like photography, you can casually say “Oh yeah, there’s a fabulous photographer I want to see who's having his first show next week…” or if she expresses that she loves Italian food, you could say: “I’m dying to try this new Italian bistro that just opened; should we check it out together?”

The art of conversation is a delicate dance that requires a shared cadence. Make sure that you’re being the kind of company that you’d like to keep.

Top Eight First Date DON'TS

What NOT to do on a first date!

Top 8 First Date Don’ts

1. Don’t complain. Just because you’re feeling comfortable with the person in front of you and feel compelled to share your tales of woe, don’t. It’s not fun to hear how upset or angry you are about your job / kids / life / daddy / mommy. People may kindly listen but inside they’re thinking what a downer you are.

2. Don’t “over” anything. As in over drink, over share, over do your sarcasm, overuse foul language, over- talk or talk over. Unless you want the date to be over before it even started
3. Don’t dump your dirty laundry on the table because you want to “get it out there” right away because “it’s a part of who you are”. Um…the stranger in front of you doesn’t‘t need to know about your bad divorce, prior convictions / addictions, bunion surgery or recent bankruptcy on a first date.

4. Don’t try to gage his financial status with questions about the car he drives, if he rents or owns or has a vacation home. It’s transparent and shallow and he will peg you as a gold digger.

5. Don’t be so intense. Make sure there’s levity and laughter otherwise, what is the point? Conversation that comes across as too serious or professional is off-putting. Nobody wants that energy on a first date.

6. Don’t worry about flirting or having a good time because you’re unsure about your date or afraid of leading him / her on. You are still allowed to have fun even if you decide that the person is not right for you.

7. Don’t emphasize your “restrictions” right away. It comes across as high maintenance when you immediately reveal your dietary restrictions, drink restrictions, health issues or crazy busy work schedule. Why lead with something so limiting?

8. Don’t expect too much. Your goal is to have fun, explore and connect. Starting with expectations too high is a recipe for failure. Stay open, hopeful, real and grounded.

Based on consistent feedback from our clients. In no particular order.

"Perfect' in Dating is a myth. Look for Perfection in the Imperfection

Dating - Look for perfection in the imperfection
The biggest challenge in dating today is that people expect to find their version of perfection…or at least someone who totally fulfills their ‘list of requirements’. We’re a culture who likes to check, check, check things off our list. The problem is, that’s all backwards. Of course you need to make sure that you’re meeting people within your range of fundamental priorities. But at the end of the day, it boils down to the feeling, not the list. When you feel that indescribably delicious chemistry with someone, I guarantee you’re not going to care about those extra pounds / the color of her hair / his height / her degree / his job, etc.. You’re NOT. You’re going to be so happy that you finally connected with your person that you will just deal with the pieces that aren’t a perfect fit.
So unless you’re perfect, do not expect perfection in the man or woman you’re about to meet , date or fall in love with.

Here are some things that you should remember when you’re seriously looking for The One:
  1. Don’t fixate on a ‘ type ‘ that works for you because let’s face it, if you’re still single, your type is not working for you.
  2. Leave your check list at home. When you meet The One, you will FEEL something. That something will feel good. You will be thrilled that you found that long-awaited connection and know that you will handle the imperfections or decide what you can tolerate.
  3. Simplify. Don’t get consumed by the imperfect moments on a first date. It’s rarely indicative of the real person. Oftentimes, people send their “representative” (aka the image they want to project) instead of their true selves. Don’t hem and haw about the “little things” that weren’t perfect. At the end of the date, just ask yourself one thing: “Overall did I have a good time with this person?” If you did, see them again. It’s really that simple.
  4. Real perfection is finding someone who challenges you to think differently, see another perspective and makes you become a better person. How boring would it be to have someone just agree with you all the time without having their own opinions?
  5. Differentiate yourself. Embrace what makes you unique. Don’t wait to bring your fun or goofy side out. Or sweet, nurturing side. Or quirkiness. Stand out. Being genuine is so underrated these days that it’s disarming, charming and will leave an impact.
Oscar Wilde said it best: “Be yourself; everyone else is taken.”

OVER-thinking is ruining your love life.

  • Three ways to stop overanalyzing on your dates.

As a matchmaker, I can easily say that over-analytical behavior is hands down the number one crime in dating. There’s no place for cerebral decision-making in matters of the heart.

While it’s normal to process a ton of information when we first meet someone – how they look, move, express themselves verbally and non-verbally – getting trapped in over-analytical mode will damage your chances of finding love.

People who do this are not focusing on what is really being said, rather they focus on what they think is behind the words. When you do that, you are not actually (actively) listening. The danger is that you sometimes come up with your own version of things instead of what actually occurred in the conversation.
Those who over think things fail to be in the moment; they’re constantly thinking about what they’re going to say next instead of enjoying what’s happening in front of them. Or they’re analyzing what someone just said instead of taking it at face value. Others are not great at small talk so they’re stuck in their heads grasping at topics to bring up instead of hearing what’s being said right now. No wonder dating has become so stressful!

Here are three ways to stop overanalyzing on your dates.

1. Read between the lines just don’t let it dominate a conversation. There are plenty of people who have been burned in dating and approach it with a “guilty until proven innocent” mantra. They’ve trained themselves to look for the bad. While it’s normal and smart to use our instincts when we first meet someone, we don’t need to constantly second guess what someone is saying. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Listen less to what people say and watch more what they actually do. That will always reveal their true nature.
2. Be prepared with topics ahead of time. For those who dislike small talk, prepare a few topics / questions that you’d like to talk about such as current events, a controversial topic, something interesting you’d like for your date to know about you or a unique question. The key is to fill your pockets with possibilities so you can pull one out easily instead of hide in your head and miss the whole nuance of a conversation.
3. Stop psychoanalyzing people. It’s so disheartening when we hear this kind of feedback from our clients: “He said his mother was a challenge so he must not have the tools to have a healthy relationship with women” or “She said she wants a family but I’m not ready to jump into a relationship and have kids right away”. Why are people jumping to conclusions and sabotaging potential relationships? Who are you to judge and close the door on a potential relationship based on something someone you barely know said? On a first date? Stop making assumptions. It’s not only unfair, it’s narrow-minded and a sure fire way to stay single.
People will show you who they are. Just give it time.